For the record, I was being facetious by calling "I'm Worldly's" activism aggressive. I don't consider it aggressive at all.
Without any data to back up claims on the effectiveness of one form of activism over another, then really it's just conjecture. Yes, it's probably safe to say more JWs wake up by researching things outside the approved publications, but then again, the point is that something triggers them to do so. They typically just don't wake up one day and say, let me google Jehovah's Witnesses today. What I'm Worldly is doing may not make them want to do research immediately, but when they are motivated, they will remember him. And it's my opinion that his mentioning JWfacts . com in a Kingdom Hall will make young ones curious to look up the website on their smartphones and start them on their research.
I am for all forms of activism as long as it doesn't involve violence. Write a logical and reasonable blog, AWESOME! Make a well thought-out YouTube video, GREAT! Muster up the courage to say a prayer in a Kingdom Hall or toast to the generation that will not pass away, BAD ASS! If there was a silver bullet that never set off JW apostate spidey senses, then I would say let's endorse this over that, but there isn't. Plain and simple. I certainly don't worry about what cult members think of me because unless they have doubts and are ready to wake up, everything I do is mentally diseased anyways no matter how reasonable and logical I present things. It's time to start patting each other on the back instead of discouraging others. Great job I'm Worldly!